Detex Line factory invites dealers to cooperation

If you are a successful company operating in the market of equipment and solutions for retail trade, and you plan to expand your range, we invite you to become a dealer of Detex Line, the only manufacturer of anti-theft world level equipment in Russia .

Application form for an acquisition of «Detex Line» dealer status Information about the applicant company:

General information

Company name
Legal address of the company
The actual address of the company
Company's field of activity
Full name of the CEO

Contact information

Contact phone numbers (with city code)
Email address
Company website
Full name and position of a contact person

Company Information

Territorial representation of the company (offices, affiliates, representative offices)
Presence of a storage area, location
Availability of exhibition halls (Central office, affiliates, representative offices)
Availability of sales managers, their quanity
Availability of technical staff, their quantity
Experience of the company on the market of the anti-theft equipment
Completed projects over the past year: name, location
Long-term contracts with clients